The nurse life.

As my first semester of nursing is finally coming to a close, I have been enticed by the little rays of sunshine coming through the window to slowly emerge myself from the confinement of my home, back into the real world. I must admit, the reality of the last four months of my life has put me into a slight state of shock. I think I am now more nervous for it to be over, than I was for it to begin. I can’t help but wonder what I am supposed to do with “free time”? I suppose there used to be things that I enjoyed to do “just for fun”. I guess people do “hang out” for fun and not to study. I will endeavour to find those things out again.

Nursing has essentially been all I’ve ever wanted to do; help people in such vulnerable states. I feel as though this semester I learned everything I thought I would. How to bathe patients, dress them, safely administer medications, ambulate with patients; all in an attempt to promote health and healing. I learned that forgetting your stethoscope to clinical really sucks. I learned that you could pretty much throw any bodily fluid at me except for snot. I learned that I just might faint a few times before I can do a wound dressing change by myself.  I learned that with great effort I could possibly, maybe, might be able to be a morning person. I learned that the elders in my community have some amazing stories to share and to value the lessons passed down through generations. However, what I didn’t anticipate was just how much I would learn about myself. These past four months have pushed my boundaries and expanded my horizon’s in such a big way. My thoughts about equality, family, friendship and self- sacrifice have been developed so extensively; and that is something worth so much more then tuition money.

Everything you hear about being a nursing student is true. It’s hard. It’s time consuming. It’s a lot of early mornings and late nights. It’s no days off. But what I don’t think you hear about enough is the incredible self- fulfillment that comes from saving a life; from making a difference during the first few hours of your baby’s life to the last few hours of your grandfathers life. And for that I head the council of so many of my friends and family throughout this semester, it really will all be worth it.

Semester two I am coming for you! But not until after a nice long summer break.


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